Nov 10, 2023

This Is MY House Now Bitches!

In my opinion it is always nice to start off with something pretty or eye-catching, this is no exception. Welcome to my Blogger!

'The Eye' was made by Annalogue75 © via Creative Fabrica Spark™, 2023.
This Blogger is actually a rediscovery, it started in 2009 but I only posted a few shorter notes. We all know shorter notes aren't really my thing, so naturally it didn't work out. Then.

Dearest Blogger,
It wasn't you, it was me... 😆

I archived the little notes, but I am definitely keeping the name! LOVE this name... How could I forg... Oh, yeah. The ADHD...
Let me get back to you on that one. I also like the personal style it had, so I will keep that too, this is now my little therapy blog so to speak. Gordon knows I need it!! 😏

I am not going to do a cheezy "since we last..." blah blah blah. Nah, I will start from right here and right now. I will take this opportunity to use my own words and my own thoughts, emotions, ideas, and whatever else comes to mind - uncensored and outspoken.

Disclaimer time! Don't DM me your opinion about my opinion, your feelings about my emotions, your corrections of my thoughts, your critique about presented facts, giving me lectures to disprove common sense, or your complaints about the content, and never ever, let me emphasize this - NEVER EVER - threaten me or my family and friends. If you do, and this is some genuinely good advice, in the words of The Queen...
'Queen of Hearts Off With Their Heads' by Jesse Draws
Everyone good with that? Okey. Excellent!
Let's move on with this... Introduction? I don't know what this Blogger is, but if you're still reading I'm doing something right and it's about time to get real.

Are you coming...?
