Did you know that there's a website where you can store all your wants and wishes in you own, personal virtual Bucket List?
I've never really bothered making my own Bucket List, for one very good reason - my mental health.
I feel very anxious seeing my wants and wishes listed, even just listing a few makes me sad. I feel sad knowing I can't do it all, if any, and I feel anxious about not listing or doing as many things as other's do. I also want to feel satisfied with the quality of the realizations, for example if I travel it needs to be the best trip ever, I want it perfect.
And this is really silly (stupid?!), I know that. But it doesn't help... I don't like it.
Instead of making a Bucket List over things that you want to do and accomplish I find the idea of a Reversed Bucket List much more appealing. There you list your accomplishments, wins, and things you've done. The idea behind this is to build momentum and feel more confident. I have started making my own, and if you Google™ it you can find many sources and templates for your own list, this one for example.
There's a number of other more or less good ideas about how to make lists like Bucket and Reversed Bucket lists. One said to list all your wants and then cross them out one by one, and relive yourself from the pressure of needing to accomplish things to feel valued. Another suggestion was to list things you didn't want to do and only check off something you successfully avoided or escaped doing.
The idea, as I understand it, is to make your visions, dreams, and goals more real, almost tangible, one way or another. And wether it is adding accomplishments to feel good or to check off a wish/dream to feel good, the point is to make you take action. Sometimes easy action, and other times uncomfortable action.
As long as the needle moves we're alright.