Showing posts with label New Year Resolution Goals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Year Resolution Goals. Show all posts

Jan 4, 2024

On another note...

"End Of Day One" by Annalogue75 © 2023 via Creative Fabrica Spark™

If you read my blog "New Year's Priorities" you'll remember I wrote that I wouldn't make any resolutions and no big, bold promises for the new year, and why - that still stands.
I rather work with intentions and goals, whether it is as full sentences, a short paragraph, or just one word.
So that's what I will do.

But a few days ago I came across some notes from previous years that I wanted to share, because they put this line of thinking in a perspective, se pic below 👇
(Don't worry, I will write out what it says.)
As you'll hopefully see there are different ways to go about New Year's goal setting and visions. These are just two examples . No stressful promises or resolutions has to be made in any way. So from my viewpoint, this is just better.
Objectives for 2023 in a "Better Life Journal" (by Dean Graziosi) - Notes from "New World - New You" online event with Tony Robbins in 2021.

In 2021 I was inspired by the free week long online event "New World - New You" that was hosted by one of my long time favorite life coaches, Tony Robbins. My notes reflect what I saw as the most important things presented during the event, and I still feel it is inspiring. I wrote,

"When did you do something that made you feel uncomfortable? How did you feel before, during, after? Regrets or happiness?"

"When you're not growing you're dying."

"Mini Challenge #2 [uncomfortable] - 'It is in the realm of uncentanty that fulfillment is found.' - To break habits and go outside our comfortzone!!"

How profound aren't these little gems!? I can almost feel the 10/10 energy high just reading this again. Maybe "you had to be there to get it" for that feeling - too bad if you missed it! My notes continued with,

"Comittment (to make) Courage (a) Habit."

"I can't do this so I MUST do it!!"

"Tum SHOULD into MUST."

"Raise Your Standard (or) Keep Your Standard.
Rituals makes it real.
(It takes) dicipline (and) no negotiation."

These short sentences and notes were my guiding lights during 2021, and I feel they kept me motivated and focused during a year that in many ways was worse than 2020 for mental health, drive, and staying goal oriented. Did I succeed in any of it? That wasn't the point, but since you ask, I am still here. That's answer enough.

"Do-over" by Annalogue75 © 2023 via Creative Fabrica Spark™

I've written about 2023 in previous blogs, so I'm not going through it again - but I will add this...
Despite the all-encompassing darkness during that year, the lights at the end of the tunnel was people, not things or accomplishments. It was those individuals that made the year worth it despite everything.

Looking at the notes I made in early 2023, the goals and objectives I set... I'm actually quietly impressed and kind of proud of myself. January was already a rough time and I still managed to scribble down the following:

"Goals without action will never result in anything more than empty dreams.
My Top 3 Goals:
1. Be the master of my time.
2. Be completely financially independent.
3. Be able to do what I enjoy."

"Commitment To Myself:
I [ my name ] am making a commitment to myself to complete my goals by any means necessary. I realize that the only way I can unleash my true potential is through hard work, determination and laser focus on where I want to go."

"Why I Want To Achieve These Goals:
Your "why" is the driving force behind achieving goals. The clearer you are about your why the more committed and motivated you will be. What are your "whys?"
To live a life fully and without regrets."

"Rewarding Myself:
If I complete my goals in a timely manner, I will reward myself by/with:
A vacation to TBD."

I feel even more inspired now, I really put some thought into this. The structure and tone is completely different from the hasty notes in 2021, but from my biased perspective I see there are more similarities than differences.
Once again, did I succeed in any of this? Not fully, but I have definitely moved in the right direction and made progress - and that is good enough during the year's circumstances.

For 2024 I made up my mind about a goal and a vision before the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve, I have two words I am focusing on. What they are and how my line of thought is this time is to be revealed next year - maybe. I might just keep it to myself. We will see, I'm undecided... 😏
